South Korea fines German automakers for rigging diesel car emissions
SEOUL — South Korea’s anti-trust regulator said on Thursday it would impose a combined fine of 42.3 billion won ($33.48 million) on
SEOUL — South Korea’s anti-trust regulator said on Thursday it would impose a combined fine of 42.3 billion won ($33.48 million) on
SHANGHAI — Chinese state media on Thursday cautioned against risks in chasing local ChatGPT-concept stocks, while domestic artificial intelligence (AI) companies urged
SEOUL — Nuclear-armed North Korea showcased its missile production muscle during a nighttime parade, state media reported on Thursday, displaying more intercontinental
SYDNEY — The Australian government will examine surveillance technology used in offices of the defense department, Defence Minister Richard Marles said on
KAHRAMANMARAS/ANTAKYA, Turkey — The official death toll of a devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria jumped to more than 8,700 people on
LONDON — Shoppers around the world will pay even more for groceries this year than they did in 2022, according to retailers,
WASHINGTON — President Joseph R. Biden challenged Republicans to lift the US debt ceiling and support tax policies that were friendlier to
MELTING mountain glaciers pose a growing flood risk to some 15 million people around the world, researchers said in a report published
BRUSSELS — European Union countries may seek support for an agreement to phase down fossil fuels ahead of this year’s United Nations
OSLO — Stepping into a “minefield” about how to slow global warming, scientists in developing nations have won new funds to study