PETA skewered for claiming that people eat animals because of ‘supremacy’ beliefs
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the world’s largest animal advocacy organization, was grilled on Twitter for claiming that people eat animals because of their ‘supremacy.’
‘Supremacy is at the root of why people think it’s okay to eat other animals,’ the controversial group tweeted Saturday.
Meat lovers immediately began flooding the comment section with responses such as ‘let me ponder this as I eat my burger.’
‘I will fully admit I am supreme to animals. Feels good to be able to eat 100% beef fed beef tonight,’ one user wrote.
‘So why do animals think it’s ok to eat other animals?’ another user questioned.
PETA hit back at the comment, claiming that the reason animals have to eat other animals is because they aren’t capable of making ‘ethical decisions.’
‘Most of the animals who kill for food could not survive if they didn’t. That’s not the case for us. We are capable of making ethical decisions,’ PETA argued.
The group has previously referred to meat eaters as ‘slumbering in speciesism’ – the belief that all other animal species are inferior to humans.
Ingrid Newkirk, president of PETA, recently updated her will to request that after she passes, her body parts be used for a ‘human barbecue,’ her skin used to make leather goods, and sent to various individuals and groups in an effort to ‘inspire animal advocates.’
‘Newkirk’s bodily bequests will inspire animal advocates while also encouraging everyone still slumbering in speciesism to wake up,’ PETA said in defense of the will change.
When asked about the Tweet, Newkirk told Fox News Digital that ‘bragging about eating animals is a pathetic thing to do.’
‘Other animals have their own desires and needs and live complex lives, and it’s ignorant and arrogant to pretend otherwise. Bragging about eating animals is a pathetic thing to do and shows a lack of understanding and empathy. It’s easy to be kind and simply opt for a non-violent meal,’ she said in a statement Monday.
Fox News’ Hannah Grossman contributed to this report.